So Extra

Welcome to Double Take! I'm Overlord (JK) Lexi the one behind the camera like all of the time. 
All of my images are raw, unedited, unfiltered. I know hard to believe that people still do that right? 
Why do I do this? That's simple. I feel like SL has a lot more to offer for photos than most people think. There are diamonds in the rough when it comes to photo tools you just have to dig for it. 
When it comes to style, that's where I get weird, then again my mother tells me I'm always weird.
My style is a bit eccentric. I don't really stick to any one type of style, I like to go out of the box and out of the norm. I guess you could describe it as artistic? Basically I wear what inspires me. 

Waist Jacket - Blueberry Lila

Tattoo - Speakeasy Energy

Hair - Foxy Lamb (currently at N21)

My partner in crime Momma Sera (sheyston1)
did my background decor.
Message her in world for decorating/item credits.
